Our government at work!

Monday, April 7, 2008

In response to ThePoliticalFunhouse

I could not agree more with your views “Yo.” America’s education is slipping down the drain more and more these days compared to other nations. Your conclusion that America is mostly focused on the “procedure” and not the “concept” like other nations could not be any more true. I would always remember in my classes, my teacher would always show me methods of solving problems but rarely would they ever tell me why we do the problem (assuring me that i would know why later). After completing grades one through 12 a couple of years ago and comparing it to my college experience, I realized that there were many more teachers in high school that were just not as motivated to really teach the students as in college. It seemed as if the high school teachers just wanted to focus on meeting their daily agenda to where college professors really wanted to push the envelope on education and leave students with a new perspective. It also angers me how certain high schools spend their money given to them to increase their student’s performances. I love the way some schools like Pflugerville offered $100 upon completing a three or four on AP tests. Although the students should be compelled to further themselves for their own satisfaction, this method has proven more beneficial to students’ performances instead of building a new track or gym. There are many problems with our educational system and the system is not completely at fault for it’s the parents’ responsibility to help motivate the child. All that is certain is that the system needs to be changed.

256 words

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