Our government at work!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Texas Latinos look for a president with answers

Before Clinton and Obama took a step into Texas, it was predicted the large majority of votes would reside with Mrs. Clinton. Now with early voting well under way and almost up and the primaries being only less than a few days away, it has been predicted that Obama may now even have the lead over Clinton. With such a close race underway, it is still unsure who is actually winning when considering the margin of error.
There have been many “groups” that were expected to vote for certain candidates. For example, mostly women for Clinton and mostly young voters for Obama, but two main groups seem to be one of the largest factors in keeping the two candidates head to head. The Latino and African Americans
Hillary Clinton is making great strides in the Latino community and especially that of Sequin, Texas due to Ex-president Clinton’s incorporation of Latinos in his administration. The Latino population of Sequin expresses their expectations from the new president are the concerns of all other Americans. Rising cost of drugs, the failing restaurant industries and inflating gas prices are among the most discussed. The citizens of Sequin are centrally concerned with the economy and not much of immigration because most of the residents are of Tejano descent.
With such a large percentage of Latinos residing in Texas, the margin between Obama and Clinton would seem rather inaccurate, if it wasn’t the African-American vote that pushed Obama neck and neck with Clinton. Obama knows this and has set his strategy on the town of Houston, Texas making a Second visit to the town in just a few more days. Houston being one of Texas’ most industrial towns along with Dallas, is sure to give candidate Clinton a run for her money.

296 words

Latinooooos (please be aware that the link is only available for members)

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