Our government at work!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bush Budget Would Bring Record Deficits

America's budget problem is so simple?

“The record $3.1 trillion budget proposed by President Bush on Monday would produce eyepopping federal deficits.” In addition to this outrageous budget, Bush also wants to cut back on several programs such as Medicare. It is becoming evident that President Bush is trying to fix his “mistakes” and leave the American public with a more bittersweet rather than the current “sour" impression he has created during his term. The problem is that Bush is ignoring all repercussions of his actions, leaving it to his successor.
A sizeable portion of The President’s budget comes from a requested total of $588.3 billion for defense spending in 2009 which is about 81.7 billion less than the actual amount used this year. The problem is that the president only allocated $70 billion towards the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is about $119 billion less than this year. Bush originally predicted a $48 billion surplus by 2012 a couple years ago that would of made his tax cut possible, but now is relying on cutting down on non-profit programs, due to his non-existent prediction of only a $70 billion dollar war. The cut-back on programs doesn’t just stop there, “Bush proposes killing or cutting back sharply 151 programs to save $18 billion next year.”
To conclude all of this in a nutshell, “the total federal debt held by the public was $3.3 trillion… Now, debt held by the public — including foreign governments — is expected to reach $5.4 trillion this year and $5.9 trillion in 2009.” Perhaps Bush’s fault in this purposed budget was his initial thought. “"Our formula for achieving a balanced budget is simple: create the conditions for economic growth, keep taxes low and spend taxpayer dollars wisely or not at all," Bush said in his budget message.” There is no simple way to balance the budget or we probably would have done it already. Mr. Bush, The budget is simply the backbone of America.

322 words


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