Our government at work!

Monday, May 5, 2008

In response to Steven's "Has Gas Prices Killed You Yet?"

I cannot agree more with Steven's complaint of rising gas prices. There is almost not a single person who hasn't felt this blow. His porposals are bright too, we could create a lane on the highway just for buses that shuttle people to the most popular of areas. people who sit in high traffic areas such as I-35 or Mopac towards downtown might just be compelled enough to pay a small monthly fee and take the shuttle that would normally pass him right up as he inches through his commute. It's good to see Americans are trying to figure out solutions these days instead of blaming everything and Government and waiting for them to fix it. i concieve that alot of the problems we have such as these gas prices are because "bad" governing, but it's not gonna do much to just pout and wait for change. people can do many things such as find alternative forms of transportation, budget better, lobby ideas etc. Steven's ideas are excellent but his flaw is that Americans simply wont give up the luxary of driving. they can go when and wherever they want. the keyword being when, and are just too spoiled to wait for a bus in the rain or cold to sit next to another person. Many people do find alternative ways such as carpooling but i just dont think it will ever be enough people to make the difference. i feel as if the only immedicate solution is the new line of more fuel efficient vehicles automakers are developing as of now.